Quansheng UV-K5

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Quansheng UV-K5

Post by Agent 48 »

I just got myself a Quansheng UV-K5

What do people think of it?

I think its good value for money for what it is. Build quality is good and it doesn't feel cheap at all and it looks quite nice. I haven't programmed it yet but I do plan on doing the firmware mod to it so I can use it as an air band receiver.

Out of the box however the radio isn't the most easy to figure out like getting it into frequency mode, mine appears to be stuck in channel mode on the frequencies it came with. I'm not entirely sure it can be used out of the box... I have followed the instructions and used Google but I still can't get it out of channel mode so I've put it away for now until I get programming cable for it.

What do people think of the Quansheng UV-K5?
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Re: Quansheng UV-K5

Post by ch25 »

To me it's disposable crap. I got 2 of them :)
Cheap enough to waste them when broken.
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Re: Quansheng UV-K5

Post by Mitch »

As above, more cheap junk to waste your hard earned on. OK for a play thing I suppose, been there done that but got bored after a couple of days and sold it on. Personally I missed having a rotary channel change, up/down buttons don't do it for me.
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Re: Quansheng UV-K5

Post by Agent 48 »

I'd still say for a sub 20 UK pounds they are good for playing with, firmware modding & hardware modding re-building the insides etc even if they are disposable rubbish.

They are really not that bad in my opinion.

The Baofeng handhelds I have are also well built and have lasted for years and years still working perfectly fine. Some of them even out perform some of my old Motorola handsets. I'm not saying they are the best but they are good as cheap radios. I've actually found Hytera to be worse which is a more costly brand.
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