Sandpiper V9 MkIII

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Sandpiper V9 MkIII

Post by kelsm »

Just bought a Sandpiper V9 MkIII and I am struggling a little bit with working out which coils are 40,80 and 160m, I am assuming rightly or wrongly that the longer the coil the higher the band, can anyone with one please by any chance can you give me some measurements on the coils, any help would be appreciated.
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Joined: 13 Apr 2024, 19:53
Call Sign: M0DCD

Re: Sandpiper V9 MkIII

Post by AndyDCD »

The one with the highest number of turns will be the 160m coil, and subsequently the least turns is the one for the highest bands.

You'll find that the bandwidth is a bit squeezed on the 160m band, as that's the effect of using the coil to electrically extend the length.

Andy M0DCD
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