Gloucester City Safe DMR frquency help

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Gloucester City Safe DMR frquency help

Post by pete_uk »

I know this is a long shot, but...

There are two frequencies I have for Glos City Safe, one is 461.4 which I know is used in Stroud for both police CCTV to shops and on a separate talk group is the 5 Valleys Shopping center. I have heard CCTV control talk on both referring to channel 1 & 2.

There is also a entry on the WTR and Radio Reference UK sites for 462.075 which is also down as a Glos City Safe frequency used both in Stroud and Gloucester. Does anyone know the Slot/CC/TG for this frequency?

For reference the 461.4 frequency details are CC5 S1 TG 10 for CCTV and CC5 S1 TG 20 for 5 Valleys

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