The Retevis LORA system

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The Retevis LORA system

Post by paulears »

Not many people seem to be talking about these?
A package of the small base station and a couple of hand-helds that work as mesh radios - so up to 30 handsets that link together to communicate as a system with less dropouts and dodgy no signal areas.
I've ordered a set to play with, but this could be interesting? Spread spectrum, but in the UK, the new licence rules on unattended data gizmos I think will cover it in the 70cm band. What I want to know is the impact on channels either side of it, and what it will sound like? I'm imagining that as a spread spectrum device, the signal level on just one 'normal' channel could be horrible or perfectly OK?

I'm interested in OFCOMs opinion on how it will possibly (or not) be able to be used on business channels?

So far there are just a couple of Youtube videos - that don't really test it in any way that shows the advantages? I'm thinking say, an industrial unit where hand helds frequently cannot get from A to C, but do work A to B or B to C? My assumption is that if the A-B path is valid and the B-C path also works, the mesh system should allow A to get to C through the person's radio in location B - add in a few extra radios in different locations and full coverage should work? Nobody has commented on this yet. I guess I perhaps have to also buy half a dozen extra radios to test this, which is getting expensive. I'll test the basic pack first, then maybe if it's positive get a few more?
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Re: The Retevis LORA system

Post by Admiral »

Not the same thing as you have, but:
I use a couple of Heltec 868MHz-915MHz SX1262 ESP32 units to TX/RX encrypted text messages across appx 1KM. I suspect that although this is technically legal, there is probably a grey area surrounding the encryption as the feds feel anyone using encryption is automatically carrying out criminal activity of some sort.
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Re: The Retevis LORA system

Post by paulears »

Bit of an update on the Retevis system.

It's proven to be rather good, but a problem has arisen that Retevis are trying to fix, so far without success - but they have been pretty good and I'm hopeful.

If you look at the image of the inside of the repeater, you can see that most of the box is a very large rechargeable battery, plus the chassis of the RB24 handheld, and then a charger board and a pcb with the audio in and out and sundry LEDs, LED drivers and PTT, speaker etc.

There is a design flaw. The in/out board has elongated/oversize mounting holes but even with these, the PCB is not close enough to the punched hole in the substantial case, so the programming cable does not go far enough in to make contact - the upshot is you cannot reprogram the unit. Clearly at the factory, the units were programmed before being assembled. As the internal radio is the RB24, without a case and the socket assembly, it performs perfectly - but the damn things won't program and I don't think anyone at Retevis actually tried - the assumption being the handhelds reprogram easily, and as the one in the repeater was the same radio, there was no need to check. Even worse, I'm pretty sure the two PCB sockets are not the ones in the hand helds - they seem a little too big for the space in the radio, so it's possible they also use those modified shape 3.5 and 2.5mm plugs. The ones with the angled end rather than traditional jack plug curved ball style end? I don't know. I do know that for the moment, I have a pile of these in stock that I cannot sell. It's interesting to see how they use lots of cables inside and hot melt glue. Very strange!
retevis rb91repeater-2.jpg
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Re: The Retevis LORA system

Post by paulears »

Retevis have a solution and it works! The PTT and the two buttons have a moulded rubbery part on the rear - which is springy and keeps the buttons in the case in the right place, but has three mouldings on the rear that press the PCB buttons - so the spring is also the actuator. The modification is to remove about 1mm of the moulding, and then realign the PCB in the standoffs so the buttons function with the PCB further towards the case. I got some pictures showing exactly where to slice. Once you do it, you have to carefully insert the springy moulding then adjust the PCB retain screws so the 2.5 and 3.5mm sockets align with the case cutout, and the other end has just enough clearance to make sure the PTT engages but then releases. Get it wrong and it will bind, with the PTT unable to release. Works like a dream and I have done it on all my stock and all working.
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