Thinking about treating myself to a new HF radio

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Thinking about treating myself to a new HF radio

Post by Agent 48 »

I do have a budget I could probably do about 600 although I must admit the thought of spending 600 on an HF set does put a sinking feeling in my belly but at the same time the thought of having a new HF set that does everything I want excites me. Over the years I've become as tight as a ducks backside when it comes to spending money.

So the features I would like is having a built in auto ATU and something that can limit power to a safe level for indoor use as I can't really get much outside in terms of a decent HF antenna. I also want something that covers the 11 meter CB band I'm not bothered about top band or 80 meters just as long as it covers 40 meters upwards to 6 meters. I want something that is simple and easy to use. I'm not a fan of lots of buttons and settings... then there is FT8 which I don't yet fully understand but FT8 is something I may look more into.

Any recommendations?
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Re: Thinking about treating myself to a new HF radio

Post by Transwarp »

Honestly, save your money and make do with what you have currently, if you don't have a HF set then buy an old school secondhand one. Reason being, and going by all your posts about the limitations of your accomodation, it would be a waste spending a wedge of cash on something you won't get the full use out of.

Don't get radio shinyitus syndrome.

If you can get a working HF set for a couple of hundred you can spend a little on a nano vna for your antenna experiments and still have a chunk of cash left for other things.

Also the atu's built into radios are ok but not as good as a decent external atu that can handle 'difficult' antennas.
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Re: Thinking about treating myself to a new HF radio

Post by Agent 48 »

Yeah it makes sense... a NanoVNA is on my list of things to buy after the New Year. I don't wanna be ordering stuff until then because of the Christmas mail chaos. I am getting a bit desperate lately in terms of operating the radio because there isn't much on VHF/UHF anymore and the more time I'm spending off air my operating skills are getting a bit rusty. I'm finding myself on CB more now which half the time I can't get a word in edgeways due to people speaking over the top of one another but on Ham radio you don't get that problem. A NanoVNA will be the first thing I'm buying then I'm going to be looking at some better antennas for VHF/UHF plus a Sirio Boomerang for CB so I can go vertical outside. I reckon I can do 20 meters and upwards indoors and 40 meters with a magloop.

Hopefully with a better antenna for UHF like a triple 5/8 wave or something then maybe I'll be able to hear a DMR repeater and then get a dual bander that has DMR which might be my best bet. I do need something half decent for HF tho to get onto 20 meters. Most of what I have are single band QRP HF radios built from kits. Radio seems to die a little bit more each year... then whats left... HF... Hopefully 2 meters will pick up again.

This is what the 2 meter band looks like a lot of the time now... it did pick up for a while but its been like this for a good while now.

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Re: Thinking about treating myself to a new HF radio

Post by Transwarp »

Hmm, again honestly radio operators don't forget how to operate, might be rusty if they're out of it for a long time but takes the blink of an eye to pick it up again. I think also a person needs to 'back' off from it every now and then to stop boredom and / or frustration build up. Becoming too 'addicted' to it can also happen in that it starts to rule their lives somewhat.

I take it you don't drive or own a car? If not then maybe backpacking in spring / summer if you're able to is another way to get the hours in, plus there's none of the restrictions of antenna make do or structures in the way in the great outdoors!
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Re: Thinking about treating myself to a new HF radio

Post by Agent 48 »

Transwarp wrote: 23 Dec 2024, 20:20 Hmm, again honestly radio operators don't forget how to operate, might be rusty if they're out of it for a long time but takes the blink of an eye to pick it up again. I think also a person needs to 'back' off from it every now and then to stop boredom and / or frustration build up. Becoming too 'addicted' to it can also happen in that it starts to rule their lives somewhat.

I take it you don't drive or own a car? If not then maybe backpacking in spring / summer if you're able to is another way to get the hours in, plus there's none of the restrictions of antenna make do or structures in the way in the great outdoors!
I hear what your saying... To be honest I have nothing going on in my life plus I'm getting older and radio is my main hobby that is a big part of my life now. Some could say I'm addicted to it and I guess in some ways I am. There is a lot of decline happening in this country which is affecting many aspects of peoples lifes and radio is one of the things that keeps me going, takes my mind off whats going on out there because its quite depressing. I don't have any family around me and it can get very lonely. 2 meters is one of my favorite bands, and although I'm a good radio operator I want to improve my operating skills further to a more professional level although saying that 2 meters is more of a rag chew band and I suppose HF would be better for the more professional operating. I have noticed that people are becoming less and less sociable/chatty and when you spend many days or even weeks without talking to a single soul it can negatively impact social skills after a while.

Getting a car was something I thought about but living in London there is little benefit for it and could be very expensive & difficult when it comes to parking and congestion charges, tax etc. The good thing with a car is that I'd be able to drive to a hill top for a few evenings a week and operate that way... I am partially sighted so I'm not even sure I'd pass my driving test... maybe just I don't know. I know at some point I will likely move out of London to somewhere I could have a car. I do need to get myself out more so back packing during spring/summer is a good plan doing camping as well with some handhelds, many hand helds have USB charging capability now so power banks make it nice and easy to keep radios charged up.
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Re: Thinking about treating myself to a new HF radio

Post by Transwarp »

I hear you also, thank you for sharing a little about yourself, and will simply say keep on doing what keeps you occupied, intrested, and brings you enjoyment.

In your own way you have a good Christmas 🎄 and see what 2025 brings us all eh? 🙂
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Re: Thinking about treating myself to a new HF radio

Post by Agent 48 »

Transwarp wrote: 24 Dec 2024, 17:26 I hear you also, thank you for sharing a little about yourself, and will simply say keep on doing what keeps you occupied, intrested, and brings you enjoyment.

In your own way you have a good Christmas 🎄 and see what 2025 brings us all eh? 🙂
Many Thanks. Merry Christmas to you too. I doubt 2025 will be much better but there we go it is what it is :thumbup:
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