Site upgrades 28-10-24

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Site upgrades 28-10-24

Post by Transmission1 »

You might have noticed a small amount of downtime this morning. Normally I'd post an announcement up to say when this is going to happen but yesterday afternoon the site came under attack by some angry "bots" from Singapore... well to be precise a massive 2.6 million of them trying to access pages all at once :shock: . This had the effect of making the site unavailable as the server struggled to keep up with the demand. By late afternoon we mitigated the attack thanks to our friends at Cloudflare and we put extra security checks/measures in place to mitigate the attack which are now in place and things are back to normal.

Now things are working normally I also took the opportunity to upgrade all software packages and patch the forum to the latest verison to harden security and performance, this also involved updating styles, plugins etc that I've been meaning to do for the past 18 months as there is never a good time to take down a popular website. I'm pleased to see that all went well and we are back up to "full power" and this brings a number of improvements and bug fixes to our community.

Thanks for being part of TM1 8)
Simon, 26TM001 - East Yorkshire, UK
Founder of Transmission1 & Tango Mike 26 Division Co-ordinator
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