Hi Guys,
I am new to scanning and this forum and was wondering if anyone would point me to a site listing interesting frequencies in the Home Counties. Location is near Camberley...
Frequency list ?
- listner132
- Radio Addict
- Posts: 618
- Joined: 28 Mar 2009, 11:27
- Location: Ayrshire Scotland.
Re: Frequency list ?
I know this is an old thread but post this list anyway...
- Minus1
- Top Poster
- Posts: 1222
- Joined: 12 Jun 2011, 11:15
- Location: West Midlands
Re: Frequency list ?
Go here for business freqs:
Here for Mil air freqs (Odiham, Farnborough, etc):
You have to register first.
Farnborough UHF ground services:
444.3375 / 449.725
(Odd freqs so you won't never find them easily)
Here for Mil air freqs (Odiham, Farnborough, etc):
You have to register first.
Farnborough UHF ground services:
444.3375 / 449.725
(Odd freqs so you won't never find them easily)
KEY : = channel/stud | ~ = CTCSS/DCS | ^ = transmitter site | ¯ = overhead | * = trunked
- Regular
- Posts: 5
- Joined: 24 Jan 2024, 11:37
Re: Frequency list ?
Found this website that was updated as recently as last year (http://www.eastmidlandsaeropark.org/fre ... civil.html), I will post the freqs below incase it goes offline ....
Civil National ATC Frequencies by Sector
Centre Sector ID Code Identifier (IVAC IDENT) Frequency
London AC Lakes S10 EGTT_10_CTR 128.125
London AC Hurn S20 EGTT_20_CTR 135.05
London AC Clacton S26 EGTT_26_CTR 132.605
London AC Daventry S28 EGTT_28_CTR 127.105
London AC Strumble S35 EGTT_35_CTR 135.255
London TC Sourth East Deps SE DEPS EGTL_SE_CTR 120.525
London TC North West Deps NW DEPS EGTL_NW_CTR 119.775
London TC North East Deps NE DEPS EGTL_NE_CTR 118.825
London TC South West Deps SW DEPS EGTL_SW_CTR 134.125
London TC Redfa REDFA EGTL_E_CTR 121.225
Scottish AC Moray MORAY EGPX_MO_CTR 129.225
Scottish AC West Coast WEST EGPX_WS_CTR 127.275
Scottish AC East EAST EGPX_ET_CTR 133.8
Scottish AC Wallasey WAL EGPX_WL_CTR 128.05
Scottish AC Stafa STAFA EGPX_ST_CTR 134.425
Scottish AC Talla TALLA EGPX_TL_CTR 126.3
Gander & Shanwick OCC Gander Oceanic clearance OC CZQX_OC_CTR 128.450
Gander & Shanwick OCC Gander FSS (southern tracks) FSS-S CZQX_S_CTR 122.370
Gander & Shanwick OCC Gander FSS (northern tracks) FSS-N CZQX_N_CTR 126.9
Gander & Shanwick OCC Gander FSS (west airspace) FSS-W CZQX_W_CTR 127.1
Gander & Shanwick OCC Shanwick Oceanic clearance OCD EGGX_OC_CTR 127.65
Gander & Shanwick OCC Shanwick FSS (southern tracks) ORS EGGX_S_CTR 124.175
Gander & Shanwick OCC Shanwick FSS (northern tracks) ORN EGGX_N_CTR 120.35
Gander & Shanwick OCC Shanwick/Gander FSS (general position) ORS EGGX_SG_CTR 127.9
London AC Lakes S10 EGTT_10_CTR 133.705
London AC Hurn S20 EGTT_20_CTR 134.455
London AC Daventry S28 EGTT_28_CTR 129.205
London AC Strumble S35 EGTT_35_CTR 132.95
London TC Sourth East Deps SE DEPS EGTL_SE_CTR 120.175
London TC TMA Midlands North West Deps Welin
London TC North East Deps NE DEPS EGTL_NE_CTR 124.925
London TC ATC Upper (EAST FL275+) Redfa REDFA EGTL_E_CTR 135.425
Scottish AC Moray MORAY EGPX_MO_CTR 124.5
Scottish AC West Coast WEST EGPX_WS_CTR 123.775
Scottish AC East EAST EGPX_ET_CTR 133.05
Scottish AC Stafa STAFA EGPX_ST_CTR 122.8
Scottish AC Talla TALLA EGPX_TL_CTR 124.825
Gander & Shanwick OCC Shanwick Oceanic clearance OCD EGGX_OC_CTR 123.95
ATC Middle (EAST FL180 – FL270) 132.6
All other UK Airfield Frequencies
Airfield IATA IACO Designation Freq 8.33kHz Channel 8.33kHz Actual Frequency
Aberdeen Dyce Approach Pri VHF 119.0500
Aberdeen Dyce AS 121.6800 121.6750
Aberdeen Dyce ATIS VHF Pri (ADN) 114.3000
Aberdeen Dyce ATIS VHF Sec 121.8500
Aberdeen Dyce Ground Pri VHF 121.7000
Aberdeen Dyce RADAR (ICF) 1 119.0500
Aberdeen Dyce RADAR (ICF) 2 128.3000
Aberdeen Dyce Tower Pri VHF 118.1000
Aberporth Radio/Information/Tower 122.1500
Alderney Radio/Information/Tower 125.3500
Andrewsfield Radio/Information/Tower 130.5500
Barra Radio/Information/Tower 118.0750
Barrow AFIS Radio/Information/Tower 123.2000
Beccles Radio/Information/Tower 120.3750
Beccles Radio/Information/Tower 120.3750
Bedford Radio/Information/Tower 119.0250
Belfast/Aldergrove Approach 128.5000
Belfast/Aldergrove ATIS 128.2000
Belfast/Aldergrove Director 120.9000
Belfast/Aldergrove Ground 121.7500
Belfast/Aldergrove Tower 118.3000
Bembridge AFIS 123.2500
Benbecula ATIS VHF 113.9500
Benbecula AFIS 119.2000
Benbecula Tower 119.2000
Benson Approach 376.6500
Benson Approach 136.4500
Benson ATIS UHF 282.5250
Benson Brize Radar UHF 389.5750
Benson Brize Radar VHF 124.2750
Benson Director Pri UHF 356.1250
Benson Ground Pri UHF 279.1500
Benson Ground Pri VHF 121.8000
Benson Talkdown Pri UHF 283.0750
Benson Talkdown Pri VHF 123.3000
Benson Tower Pri UHF 318.1000
Benson Tower Pri VHF 127.1500
Benson Zone Pri VHF 120.9000
Beverley AFIS 123.0500
Biggin Hill Radar/Approach 129.4000
Biggin Hill Tower 134.8000
Birmingham BHX EGBB Approach 118.0500
Birmingham BHX EGBB Approach 131.0050 131.0000
Birmingham BHX EGBB ATIS 136.0250 136.0267
Birmingham BHX EGBB Delivery 121.9250 121.9167
Birmingham BHX EGBB Ground 121.8050 121.8000
Birmingham BHX EGBB RADAR (ICF) 1 123.9800 123.9750
Birmingham BHX EGBB RADAR (ICF) 2 131.3300 131.3250
Birmingham BHX EGBB Tower 118.3050 118.3000
Blackbushe AFIS 122.3050 122.3000
Blackpool ATIS VHF 127.2000
Blackpool Tower 119.9500
Blackpool Tower 118.4000
Bodmin AFIS 122.7000
Boscombe Radio/Information/Tower 130.7500
Boscombe Down Approach Pri UHF 233.8500
Boscombe Down Approach Pri VHF 130.0000
Boscombe Down ATIS UHF 275.7250
Boscombe Down Director Pri UHF 282.6750
Boscombe Down Director Pri VHF 130.0000
Boscombe Down Ground Pri UHF 262.9500
Boscombe Down Ground Pri VHF 130.7500
Boscombe Down Talkdown Pri UHF 369.2500
Boscombe Down Talkdown Pri VHF 130.0000
Boscombe Down Tower Pri UHF 338.4750
Boscombe Down Tower Pri VHF 130.7500
Boulmer Radio/Information/Tower 123.1000
Bourn Radio/Information/Tower 124.3500
Bournemouth ATIS VHF 133.7250
Bournemouth Director Pri VHF 118.6500
Bournemouth Ground Pri VHF 121.7000
Bournemouth RADAR (ICF) 1 119.4750
Bournemouth Tower Pri VHF 125.6000
Breighton G/A 129.8050 129.8000
Bridlington Radio/Information/Tower 129.9000
Brimpton A/G 135.1300 135.1267
Bristol ATIS VHF 126.0250
Bristol Cardiff Radar 125.8500
Bristol Delivery 121.9250
Bristol London Control 126.0750
Bristol RADAR (ICF) 1 136.0750
Bristol RADAR (ICF) 2 125.6500
Bristol Tower Pri VHF 133.8500
Brize Norton BZZ EGVN Approach Pri UHF 297.8000
Brize Norton BZZ EGVN Approach Pri VHF 127.2500
Brize Norton BZZ EGVN ATIS UHF 259.0000
Brize Norton BZZ EGVN ATIS VHF 126.5000
Brize Norton BZZ EGVN Director Pri UHF 264.7750
Brize Norton BZZ EGVN Director Pri VHF 133.7500
Brize Norton BZZ EGVN Ground Pri UHF 240.5500
Brize Norton BZZ EGVN Ground Pri VHF 121.7250
Brize Norton BZZ EGVN Operations UHF 268.4000
Brize Norton BZZ EGVN Operations VHF 130.0750
Brize Norton BZZ EGVN RADAR (ICF) 1 277.0750
Brize Norton BZZ EGVN RADAR (ICF) 2 124.2750
Brize Norton BZZ EGVN Tower Pri UHF 379.7500
Brize Norton BZZ EGVN Tower Pri VHF 123.7250
Brize Norton BZZ EGVN Zone Pri VHF 119.0000
Brough Radio/Information/Tower 130.8250
Caernarfon Radio/Information/Tower 122.2500
Caernarfon Radio/Information/Tower 122.2500
Cambridge ATIS VHF 134.6000
Cambridge Director Pri VHF 124.9750
Cambridge RADAR (ICF) 1 124.9750
Cambridge Tower Pri VHF 125.9000
Campbeltown Radio/Information/Tower 125.9000
Cardiff Approach Pri VHF 119.1500
Cardiff Approach Sec VHF 125.8550 125.8500
Cardiff ATIS VHF 132.4800 132.4750
Cardiff RADAR (ICF) 1 125.8500
Cardiff Tower Pri VHF 133.1000
Cark Radio/Information/Tower 129.9000
Carlisle ATIS VHF 118.4250
Carlisle Radio/Information/Tower 123.6000
Carlisle Radio/Information/Tower 123.6000
Carlisle Tower Pri VHF 123.6000
Chalgrove Radio/Information/Tower 125.4000
Charlgrove Radio/Information/Tower 125.4000
Chatteris Radio/Information/Tower 129.9000
Chiltern Park A/G 134.0300 134.0267
Clacton Radio/Information/Tower 118.1500
Cockerham Radio/Information/Tower 129.9000
Colerne Approach Pri UHF 374.8250
Colerne Approach Pri VHF 120.0750
Colerne Bristol Approach 125.6500
Colerne Information 277.8500
Colerne Radio/Information/Tower 120.0750
Colerne Tower Pri UHF 372.5750
Coll Radio/Information/Tower 125.0000
Colonsay Radio/Information/Tower 123.8000
Colonsay Radio/Information/Tower 123.8000
Compton Abbas Radio/Information/Tower 122.7000
Cosford Approach Pri UHF 376.4250
Cosford Approach Pri VHF 135.8750
Cosford Ground Pri UHF 241.4000
Cosford Ground Pri VHF 128.6500
Cosford Tower Pri UHF 378.6500
Cosford Tower Pri VHF 128.6500
Coventry Approach Pri VHF 123.8250
Coventry ATIS VHF 126.0500
Coventry Birmingham App 118.0500
Coventry Birmingham App 131.0000
Coventry Ground Pri VHF 121.7000
Coventry RADAR (ICF) 1 123.8250
Coventry RADAR (ICF) 2 136.1500
Coventry Tower Pri VHF 118.1750
Coventry Tower Sec VHF 123.8250
Cranfield Approach Pri VHF 122.8500
Cranfield ATIS VHF 121.8800 121.8750
Cranfield Tower Pri VHF 134.9300 134.9267
Cranfield Tower Sec VHF 122.8550 122.8500
Crosland Moor Radio/Information/Tower 128.3750
Crowfield Radio/Information/Tower 122.7750
Culdrose A/G 127.6300 127.6250
Culdrose Approach Pri UHF 378.5500
Culdrose Approach Pri VHF 134.0500
Culdrose ATIS UHF 231.8500
Culdrose Director Pri UHF 313.6000
Culdrose Director Pri VHF 123.3000
Culdrose Ground Pri UHF 318.1000
Culdrose Talkdown Pri UHF 293.8250
Culdrose Talkdown Pri VHF 296.6750
Culdrose Tower Pri UHF 297.7750
Culdrose Tower Pri VHF 122.1000
Culter Heliport Radio/Information/Tower 129.7500
Cumbernauld A/G 120.6050 120.6000
Damyns Hall Radio/Information/Tower 119.5550 119.5500
Deanland A/G 129.7300 129.7250
Denham Radio/Information/Tower 130.7250
Derby Radio/Information/Tower 118.3500
Dishforth Radio/Information/Tower 122.1000
Doncaster Sheffield ATIS VHF 134.9500
Doncaster Sheffield RADAR (ICF) 1 126.2250
Doncaster Sheffield RADAR (ICF) 2 129.0500
Doncaster Sheffield Tower Pri VHF 128.7750
Dundee Radio/Information/Tower 122.9000
Dunkeswell Radio/Information/Tower 123.4750
Dunkeswell Radio/Information/Tower 123.4750
Dunsfold Radio/Information/Tower 119.1000
Durham Tees Valley ATIS VHF 132.3750
Durham Tees Valley Director Pri VHF 128.8500
Durham Tees Valley RADAR (ICF) 1 118.8500
Durham Tees Valley Tower Pri VHF 119.8000
Duxford Radio/Information/Tower 122.0750
Eaglescott Radio/Information/Tower 123.0000
Earls Colne Radio/Information/Tower 122.4250
East Midlands EMA EGNX Approach Pri VHF 134.1750
East Midlands EMA EGNX ATIS VHF 122.6750 122.680 122.675
East Midlands EMA EGNX Ground Pri VHF 121.9000 121.905 121.900
East Midlands EMA EGNX RADAR (ICF) 1 120.1250 120.130 120.125
East Midlands EMA EGNX RADAR (ICF) 2 126.1750 126.180 126.175
East Midlands EMA EGNX RADAR (ICF) 3 124.0000 124.005 124.000
East Midlands EMA EGNX RADAR (LARS) 134.1750 134.180 134.175
East Midlands EMA EGNX Tower Pri VHF 124.0000 124.005 124.000
Edinburgh Approach Pri VHF 121.2000
Edinburgh AS 121.9050 121.9000
Edinburgh ATIS VHF 131.3500
Edinburgh Ground Pri VHF 121.7500
Edinburgh RADAR (ICF) 1 121.2000
Edinburgh RADAR (ICF) 2 128.9750
Edinburgh Tower Pri VHF 118.7000
Eglinton RAD/APP Radio/Information/Tower 123.6250
Eglinton TWR Radio/Information/Tower 134.1500
Elstree Radio/Information/Tower 122.4000
Enstone Radio/Information/Tower 129.8750
Errol Radio/Information/Tower 129.9000
Exeter Approach Pri VHF 128.9750
Exeter ATIS VHF 119.3250
Exeter RADAR (ICF) 1 128.9750
Exeter RADAR (ICF) 2 123.5750
Exeter Tower Pri VHF 119.8000
Fair Isle Radio/Information/Tower 118.0250
Fairford Approach Pri UHF 297.8000
Fairford Approach Pri VHF 127.2500
Fairford Ground Pri UHF 234.2500
Fairford Operations UHF 233.4750
Fairford RADAR (ICF) 1 297.8000
Fairford RADAR (ICF) 2 127.2500
Fairford Tower Pri UHF 338.2250
Fairford Tower Pri VHF 124.8000
Fairoaks Radio/Information/Tower 123.4250
Farnborough APP 130.0550 130.0500
Farnborough Approach 134.3550 134.3517
Farnborough Approach Pri VHF 134.3550 134.3517
Farnborough Approach Sec VHF 125.2500
Farnborough ATIS VHF 128.4050 128.4000
Farnborough Director Pri VHF 130.5500 130.5417
Farnborough Tower Pri VHF 122.7800 122.7750
Fenland Radio/Information/Tower 122.9250
Fife Radio/Information/Tower 130.4500
Fife Radio/Information/Tower 130.4500
Fife Radio/Information/Tower 130.4500
Fife Radio/Information/Tower 130.4500
Fleetlands Radio/Information/Tower 135.7000
Fowlmere Radio/Information/Tower 135.7000
Full Sutton Radio/Information/Tower 120.1000
Gamston(EGNE)Twr Radio/Information/Tower 130.4750
Glasgow Approach Pri VHF 119.1000
Glasgow ATIS VHF 129.5750
Glasgow Ground Pri VHF 121.7000
Glasgow RADAR (ICF) 1 119.1000
Glasgow RADAR (ICF) 2 128.7500
Glasgow RADAR (ICF) 3 125.2500
Glasgow Tower Pri VHF 118.8000
Gloucestershire Approach Pri VHF 128.5500
Gloucestershire ATIS VHF 127.4750
Gloucestershire RADAR (ICF) 1 120.9750
Gloucestershire RADAR (ICF) 2 128.5500
Gloucestershire Tower Pri VHF 122.9000
Goodwood Radio/Information/Tower 122.4500
Gransden Lodge A/G 131.2800 131.2750
Great Oakley A/G 123.2050 123.2000
Grove Farm A/G 130.4300 130.4250
Halfpenny Green Radio/Information/Tower 123.0000
Halton Radio/Information/Tower 130.4250
Haverfordwest Radio/Information/Tower 122.2000
Hawarden Approach 120.0550 120.0500
Hawarden Approach 130.1500 130.1417
Hawarden ATIS VHF 125.4300 125.4250
Hawarden Director Pri VHF 130.0150 130.0167
Hawarden RADAR (ICF) 1 123.3500 120.0550 120.0500
Hawarden Tower Pri VHF 124.9550 124.9500
Headcorn Radio/Information/Tower 122.0000
Henlow Radio/Information/Tower 121.1000
Henstridge Radio/Information/Tower 130.2500
Hibaldstow Radio/Information/Tower 129.9250
Hibaldstow Radio/Information/Tower 129.9250
Hinton Radio/Information/Tower 119.4500
Honington Radio/Information/Tower 122.1000
Humberside Approach VHF 129.2550 129.2500
Humberside ATIS 124.1300 124.1250
Humberside LARS 119.1300 119.1250
Humberside Tower 124.9000
Inverness Approach Pri VHF 122.6000
Inverness ATIS VHF 109.2000
Inverness RADAR (ICF) 1 122.6000
Inverness Tower Pri VHF 118.4000
Inverness Tower Sec VHF 122.6000
Islay Radio/Information/Tower 123.1500
Islay Radio/Information/Tower 123.1500
Isle of Man Approach Pri VHF 135.9000
Isle of Man ATIS VHF 123.8750
Isle of Man RADAR (ICF) 1 135.9000
Isle of Man RADAR (ICF) 2 125.3000
Isle of Man RADAR (ICF) 3 120.8500
Isle of Man Tower Pri VHF 119.0000
Kemble Radio/Information/Tower 118.9000
Killykergan Radio/Information/Tower 129.9000
Kinloss Approach Pri UHF 234.8750
Kinloss Approach Pri VHF 123.3000
Kinloss Tower Pri UHF 235.0250
Kirkwall ATIS VHF 108.6000
Kirkwall Radio/Information/Tower 118.3000
Kirkwall Tower Pri VHF 118.3000
L Headcorn Radio/Information/Tower 122.0000
Lakenheath Approach Pri UHF 309.2000
Lakenheath Approach Pri VHF 136.5000
Lakenheath Approach Sec VHF 128.9000
Lakenheath ATIS UHF 356.7250
Lakenheath Departures Pri UHF 250.3000
Lakenheath Ground Pri UHF 375.4500
Lakenheath Tower Pri UHF 338.9250
Lakenheath Tower Pri VHF 137.1000
Lands End Radio/Information/Tower 120.2500
Langar Radio/Information/Tower 129.9000
Lasham Radio/Information/Tower 131.0250
LDN Heliport Radio/Information/Tower 134.2750
Leaconfield Radio/Information/Tower 123.0500
Leeds Bradford Approach/Director/Radar 125.3800 125.3750
Leeds Bradford Approach/Radar 134.5800 134.5767
Leeds Bradford ATIS 118.0300 118.0250
Leeds Bradford Delivery 121.8050 121.8000
Leeds Bradford Tower 120.3050 120.3000
Leeds East Radio/Information/Tower 126.5000
Leeming Approach Pri UHF 386.5750
Leeming Approach Pri VHF 133.3750
Leeming ATIS 369.4750
Leeming Director Pri UHF 231.4500
Leeming Director Pri VHF 123.3000
Leeming Ground UHF 379.9000
Leeming Operations 259.0250
Leeming Talkdown 318.1000
Leeming Talkdown 375.4500
Leeming Tower Pri UHF 368.9250
Leeming Tower Pri VHF 120.5000
Lee-on-Solent Radio/Information/Tower 118.9250
Leicester Radio/Information/Tower 122.1250
Lerwick Tingwall Radio/Information/Tower 125.3000
Leuchars Approach Pri UHF 308.8750
Leuchars Approach Pri VHF 123.3000
Leuchars ATIS UHF 369.2500
Leuchars Dep Pri UHF & LARS 255.4000
Leuchars Dep Pri VHF & LARS 126.5000
Leuchars Director Pri UHF 289.5250
Leuchars Ground Pri UHF 275.3750
Leuchars Ground Pri VHF 122.1000
Leuchars Talkdown 123.3000
Leuchars Talkdown 379.4700
Leuchars Tower Pri VHF 119.2250
LGI Helipad Radio/Information/Tower 130.6500
Linton Approach Pri UHF 372.1250
Linton Approach Pri VHF 118.5500
Linton ATIS 283.7250
Linton Departures Pri UHF 281.8250
Linton Departures Pri VHF 118.5500
Linton Director Pri UHF 275.8500
Linton Director Pri VHF 123.3000
Linton Ground Pri UHF 278.3250
Linton Ground Pri VHF 122.1000
Linton Talkdown 369.0250
Linton Tower Pri UHF 240.8250
Linton Tower Pri VHF 129.3500
Linton Zone Pri UHF 233.4500
Linton Zone Pri VHF 118.5500
Little Gransden Radio/Information/Tower 130.8500
Liverpool Approach Pri VHF 119.8500
Liverpool AS 121.8050 121.8000
Liverpool ATIS VHF 124.3250
Liverpool Ground Pri VHF 121.9500
Liverpool RADAR (ICF) 1 119.8500
Liverpool RADAR (ICF) 2 118.4500
Liverpool Tower Pri VHF 126.3500
Llanbedr Radio/Information/Tower 118.9250
London City RAD/APP Radio/Information/Tower 132.7000
London City TWR Radio/Information/Tower 118.0750
London Gatwick App ‘Director’ 126.8250
London Gatwick App ‘Director’ 126.9500
London Gatwick App ‘Director’ 129.0250
London Gatwick AS 121.5400 121.5417
London Gatwick AS 121.6800 121.6750
London Gatwick AS 121.9300 121.9250
London Gatwick ATIS 136.5250
London Gatwick Ground 121.8000
London Gatwick Tower ‘Delivery’ 121.9500
London Gatwick Tower VHF Pri 124.2250
London Gatwick Tower VHF Sec 134.2250
London Heathrow App ‘Director’ 119.7250
London Heathrow App ‘Director’ 120.4000
London Heathrow App ‘Director’ 127.5250
London Heathrow App ‘Director’ 134.9750
London Heathrow Arrival ATIS 128.0750
London Heathrow AS 121.5550 121.5500
London Heathrow AS 121.6800 121.6750
London Heathrow AS 121.7300 121.7250
London Heathrow AS 121.9300 121.9250
London Heathrow Departure ATIS 121.9350
London Heathrow Ground VHF Pri 121.9000
London Heathrow Ground VHF Sec 121.7000
London Heathrow Ground VHF Ter 121.8500
London Heathrow Radar VHF Pri 125.6250
London Heathrow Radar VHF Sec 127.5250
London Heathrow Tower Delivery 121.9750
London Heathrow Tower ‘Delivery’ 121.9550 121.9500
London Heathrow Tower VHF Pri 118.5000
London Heathrow Tower VHF Sec 118.7000
London Heathrow Tower VHF Ter 124.4750
London Luton AS 121.8800 121.8750
London Luton ATIS 120.5800 120.5750
London Luton Delivery 121.8850
London Luton Essex/Luto Radar 129.5500
London Luton Ground VHF Pri 121.7550 121.7500
London Luton Radar ‘Director’ 128.7500
London Luton Radar VHF Sec 132.0500
London Luton Radar VHF Ter 128.7500
London Luton Tower VHF Pri 132.5550 132.5500
London Luton Tower VHF Sec 126.7250
London Stanstead AS 118.7600 118.7583
London Stanstead AS 121.5550 121.5500
London Stanstead AS 121.9300 121.9250
London Stanstead ATIS 127.1800 127.1750
London Stanstead Delivery 121.9550 121.9500
London Stanstead Essex Radar 120.6250
London Stanstead Ground 121.7300 121.7250
London Stanstead Radar 132.0500
London Stanstead Radar ‘Director’ 136.2000
London Stanstead Tower VHF Pri 123.8050 123.8000
London Stanstead Tower VHF Sec 125.5500
Long Marston Radio/Information/Tower 129.8250
Lossiemouth Approach Pri UHF 234.8750
Lossiemouth Approach Pri VHF 123.3000
Lossiemouth Approach Sec UHF 277.8750
Lossiemouth ATIS UHF 264.7750
Lossiemouth Departures Pri UHF 308.8500
Lossiemouth Departures Pri VHF 119.5750
Lossiemouth Director Pri UHF 258.7000
Lossiemouth Director Pri VHF 123.3000
Lossiemouth Ground Pri UHF 268.6250
Lossiemouth Ground Pri VHF 118.9000
Lossiemouth Talkdown 244.3750
Lossiemouth Talkdown 369.2000
Lossiemouth Tower Pri UHF 279.0500
Lossiemouth Tower Pri VHF 118.9000
Lydd RAD/APP Radio/Information/Tower 120.7000
Lydd TWR Radio/Information/Tower 119.3750
Man Barton Radio/Information/Tower 120.2500
Marham Approach Pri UHF 233.0750
Marham Approach Pri VHF 124.1500
Marham ATIS 277.2250
Marham Departures Pri UHF 377.4750
Marham Departures Pri VHF 124.1500
Marham Director Pri UHF 377.4750
Marham Director Pri VHF 124.1500
Marham Ground Pri UHF 389.4000
Marham Operations 284.0000
Marham Talkdown 1 234.3250
Marham Talkdown 2 298.8250
Marham Talkdown 3 123.3000
Marham Tower Pri UHF 281.1500
Marham Tower Pri VHF 118.3250
Merryfield Radio/Information/Tower 122.1000
Middle Wallop Approach Pri UHF 280.6250
Middle Wallop ATIS UHF 240.9750
Middle Wallop Radio 357.0250
Middle Wallop Radio/Information/Tower 118.6000
Middle Wallop Talkdown Pri UHF 369.0250
Middle Wallop Tower Pri VHF 118.6000
Middle Wallop Tower Sec UHF 242.2750
Mildenhall Approach Pri UHF 309.2000
Mildenhall Approach Pri VHF 136.5000
Mildenhall ATIS UHF 375.5000
Mildenhall Command Post (ACP) 313.5500
Mildenhall Departures Pri UHF 250.3000
Mildenhall Dispatch Pri UHF 308.8500
Mildenhall Dispatch Pri VHF 131.9750
Mildenhall Ground Pri UHF 337.9750
Mildenhall Ground Pri VHF 121.8000
Mildenhall Metro 284.4250
Mildenhall Tower Pri UHF 370.2500
Mildenhall Tower Pri VHF 122.5500
Mona Radio/Information/Tower 119.1750
Mona Radio/Information/Tower 118.9550 118.9500
Movenis Radio/Information/Tower 129.9000
Nantclwyd A/G 130.3800 130.3750
Netheravon DZ Radio 128.3000
Netheravon Information UHF 131.4750
Netheravon Information VHF 128.3000
Netheravon Radio/Information/Tower 128.3000
Netheravon Salisbury Ops UHF 276.0000
Netheravon Salisbury Ops VHF 122.7500
Netherthorpe Radio/Information/Tower 123.2750
Newcastle Approach Pri VHF 124.3750
Newcastle ATIS VHF 118.3800 118.3750
Newcastle Director Pri VHF 125.8300 125.8250
Newcastle Ground Pri VHF 121.7300 121.7250
Newcastle RADAR (ICF) 1 124.3800 124.3750
Newcastle Tower Pri VHF 119.7050 119.7000
Newquay Approach Pri VHF 133.4000
Newquay ATIS VHF 127.4000
Newquay Ground Pri VHF 121.9500
Newquay RADAR (ICF) 1 127.9250
Newquay Tower Pri VHF 134.3750
Newtownards Radio/Information/Tower 128.3000
North Weald Radio/Information/Tower 123.5300 123.5250
Northolt Approach Pri VHF 126.4500
Northolt ATIS UHF 299.8000
Northolt ATIS VHF 125.1250
Northolt Brize Radar UHF 277.0750
Northolt Brize Radar VHF 124.2750
Northolt Departures Pri VHF 129.1250
Northolt Director Pri VHF 130.3500
Northolt Ground Pri VHF 121.5750
Northolt Heathrow Director 119.7250
Northolt Luton Radar 129.5500
Northolt Talkdown Pri UHF 284.0500
Northolt Talkdown Pri VHF 125.8750
Northolt Tower Pri UHF 281.1750
Northolt Tower Pri VHF 120.6750
Norwich Approach Pri VHF 119.3550 119.3500
Norwich ATIS VHF 128.6300 128.6250
Norwich Director Pri VHF 128.3250 128.3167
Norwich RADAR (ICF) 1 119.3500
Norwich Tower Pri VHF 124.2550 124.2500
Nottingham Radio/Information/Tower 134.8750
Oaksey Park Radio/Information/Tower 132.2250
Oban Radio/Information/Tower 118.0500
Odiham Approach Pri UHF 234.3500
Odiham Approach Pri VHF 131.3000
Odiham ATIS UHF 300.4500
Odiham Director Pri UHF 339.2250
Odiham Ground Pri UHF 341.0250
Odiham Talkdown Pri UHF 278.2250
Odiham Talkdown Pri VHF 123.3000
Odiham Tower Pri UHF 258.7250
Odiham Tower Pri VHF 119.2250
Old Buckenham Radio/Information/Tower 124.4000
Old Sarum A/G 123.2050 123.2000
Old Warden Radio/Information/Tower 130.7000
Oxford Kidlington Approach 125.0900 125.0917
Oxford Kidlington Approach 127.1100 127.1083
Oxford Kidlington Approach Pri VHF 127.7500
Oxford Kidlington ATIS 136.2300 136.2267
Oxford Kidlington Director Pri VHF 125.3250
Oxford Kidlington Ground Pri VHF 121.9550 121.9500
Oxford Kidlington RADAR (ICF) 1 127.1100 127.1083
Oxford Kidlington Tower Pri VHF 133.4300 133.4267
P’bro Conington Radio/Information/Tower 129.7250
P’bro Sibson Radio/Information/Tower 120.3250
P’bro Sibson Radio/Information/Tower 120.3250
Pembrey Radio/Information/Tower 124.4000
Perranporth Radio/Information/Tower 119.7500
Perranporth Radio/Information/Tower 119.7500
Perth/Scone Radio/Information/Tower 119.8000
Peterlee Radio/Information/Tower 129.9000
Popham A/G 129.8050 129.8000
Predannack Radio/Information/Tower 122.1000
Prestwick Approach Pri VHF 128.4500
Prestwick ATIS VHF 121.1250
Prestwick RADAR (ICF) 1 129.4500
Prestwick RADAR (ICF) 2 124.6250
Prestwick Tower Pri VHF 118.1500
Prestwick Tower Sec VHF 127.1500
RAF Mona A/G 118.9550 118.9500
Redhill Radio/Information/Tower 119.6000
Redlands Radio/Information/Tower 129.8250
Rochester AFIS A/G 122.2550 122.2500
Rougham Airfield A/G 123.1650 123.1667
Safetycom Radio/Information/Tower 135.4750
Sandown (IOW) Radio/Information/Tower 119.2750
Sandtoft (EGCF) Radio/Information/Tower 130.4250
Scatsta RAD/APP Radio/Information/Tower 131.0000
Scatsta TWR Radio/Information/Tower 123.6000
Sething A/G 122.6050 122.6000
Shawbury Approach Pri UHF 282.0000
Shawbury ATIS UHF 284.2750
Shawbury Director Pri UHF 231.7000
Shawbury Helicopter ICF App 282.0000
Shawbury Information UHF 389.4500
Shawbury Low Level 376.6750
Shawbury Talkdown Pri UHF 278.6750
Shawbury Tower Pri UHF 389.4500
Shawbury Tower Pri VHF 378.4500
Shawbury Zone Pri VHF 133.1500
Sherburn Radio/Information/Tower 122.6000
Shipdham A/G 132.2300 132.2250
Shobdon AFIS 118.1550 118.1500
Shoreham Radio/Information/Tower 123.1500
Silverston Heli Radio/Information/Tower 121.0750
Skegness Radio/Information/Tower 132.4250
Skegness Radio/Information/Tower 132.4250
Sleap Radio/Information/Tower 122.4500
South Cerney Radio/Information/Tower 129.9000
Southampton ATIS 130.8800 130.8750
Southampton RADAR (ICF) 1 122.7300 122.7250
Southampton Solent App Rad 120.2250
Southampton Tower Pri VHF 118.2050 118.2000
Southend Approach Pri VHF 130.7750
Southend ATIS VHF 136.0550 136.0517
Southend Director Pri VHF 132.4500
Southend RADAR (ICF) 1 130.7750
Southend Tower Pri VHF 127.7300 127.7250
St Angelo Radio/Information/Tower 123.2000
St Athan ATIS UHF 340.4500
St Athan Cardiff App 119.1500
St Athan Cardiff App 125.8500
St Athan Cardiff ATIS 132.4750
St Athan Ground Pri UHF 241.1250
St Athan Tower Pri UHF 373.2500
St Athan Tower Pri VHF 118.1250
Stapleford Radio/Information/Tower 122.8000
Stornoway Approach Pri VHF 123.5000
Stornoway ATIS VHF 115.1000
Stornoway Tower Pri VHF 123.5000
Stow Maries A/G 118.9800 118.9750
Strathallan Radio/Information/Tower 129.9000
Strubby (EGCG) Radio/Information/Tower 118.7500
Sturgate (EGCS) Radio/Information/Tower 130.3000
Sumburgh ATIS VHF 125.8500
Sumburgh RADAR (ICF) 1 131.3000
Sumburgh RADAR (ICF) 2 123.1500
Sumburgh Tower Pri VHF 118.2500
Swansea Radio/Information/Tower 119.7000
Swansea Radio/Information/Tower 119.7000
Syerston (EGXY) Radio/Information/Tower 128.5250
Sywell AFIS 122.7050 122.7000
Tatenhill Radio/Information/Tower 124.0750
Ternhill Radio/Information/Tower 122.1000
Thruxton Radio/Information/Tower 130.4500
Tilstock A/G 118.1050 118.1000
Tiree Radio/Information/Tower 122.7000
Topcliffe Radio/Information/Tower 122.1000
Topcliffe Radio/Information/Tower 125.0000
Tremorfa Radio/Information/Tower 120.6500
Tresco Radio/Information/Tower 118.2000
Truro Radio/Information/Tower 129.8000
Turweston Radio/Information/Tower 122.1750
Valley Approach Pri UHF 379.9500
Valley Approach Pri VHF 125.2250
Valley ATIS VHF 120.7250
Valley Director Pri UHF 363.6500
Valley Director Pri VHF 123.3000
Valley Ground Pri UHF 266.8000
Valley Ground Pri VHF 122.1000
Valley RADAR Deps UHF 264.7000
Valley RADAR Deps VHF 125.2250
Valley Talkdown Pri UHF 313.5500
Valley Talkdown Pri VHF 123.3000
Valley Tower Pri UHF 268.6250
Valley Tower Pri VHF 122.1000
Valley Tower Sec UHF 257.8000
Warton Approach 126.5800 126.5750
Warton Approach Pri UHF 233.1750
Warton Approach Pri VHF 129.5300 129.5250
Warton AS 121.8300 121.8250
Warton ATIS VHF 121.7300 121.7250
Warton Director Pri UHF 234.6500
Warton Director Pri VHF 129.7300 129.7250
Warton RADAR (ICF) 1 233.1750
Warton RADAR (ICF) 2 129.5250
Warton Tower Pri UHF 264.7500
Warton Tower Pri VHF 130.8050 130.8000
Wattisham Approach Pri UHF 277.7250
Wattisham Approach Pri VHF 125.8000
Wattisham ATIS UHF 248.1000
Wattisham Director Pri UHF 234.6500
Wattisham Talkdown Pri UHF 314.4250
Wattisham Talkdown Sec UHF 368.9250
Wattisham Tower Pri UHF 378.5750
Wattisham Tower Pri VHF 122.1000
Wellesbourne Radio/Information/Tower 124.0250
Welshpool Radio/Information/Tower 128.0000
West Wales Approach 127.0900 127.0917
West Wales Radar 127.8050 127.8000
Weston Radio/Information/Tower 133.6500
White Waltham Radio/Information/Tower 122.6000
Wick Approach Pri VHF 119.7000
Wick ATIS VHF 113.6000
Wick Radio/Information/Tower 119.7000
Wick Tower Pri VHF 119.7000
Wickenby (EGNW) A/G 122.4550 122.4500
Wittering App/Zone Pri UHF 234.0750
Wittering App/Zone Pri VHF 119.6750
Wittering ATIS UHF 242.4750
Wittering ATIS VHF 123.9250
Wittering Ground Pri UHF 369.2250
Wittering Ground Pri VHF 127.9250
Wittering Ground Sec VHF 122.1000
Wittering Talkdown 244.5500
Wittering Talkdown 275.3250
Wittering Tower Pri UHF 372.2250
Wittering Tower Pri VHF 127.9750
Wittering Tower Sec VHF 122.1000
Woodvale Approach Pri UHF 282.5750
Woodvale Approach Pri VHF 121.0000
Woodvale Tower Pri UHF 278.2000
Woodvale Tower Pri VHF 119.7500
Wycombe Air Park Radio/Information/Tower 126.5500
Wyton RAD/APP Radio/Information/Tower 134.0500
Wyton TWR Radio/Information/Tower 126.8500
Yeovil AFIS (VHF) 130.8000
Yeovil Approach Pri VHF 130.8000
Yeovil RADAR (ICF) 1 127.3500
Yeovil RADAR (ICF) 2 119.0500
Yeovil Tower Pri VHF 125.4000
Yeovilton ATIS UHF 283.9250
Yeovilton Director Pri UHF 259.0750
Yeovilton Director Pri VHF 123.3000
Yeovilton Ground Pri UHF 268.6250
Yeovilton Ground Pri VHF 122.1000
Yeovilton RADAR (ICF) 1 234.3000
Yeovilton RADAR (ICF) 2 127.3500
Yeovilton Talkdown Pri UHF 282.0250
Yeovilton Talkdown Sec UHF 241.5250
Yeovilton Tower Pri UHF 375.5750
Yeovilton Tower Pri VHF 120.8000
- Metradio
- Radio Addict
- Posts: 616
- Joined: 28 Apr 2016, 19:10
- Call Sign: G7HID
- Location: Box 500, Slough UK
Re: Frequency list ?
Did you have the decency to ask the site owner of East Midlands Air Park if it was OK to copy all his frequencies and repost them on here ?
Rather than just post the link to his site...
No of course you did not.
Rather than just post the link to his site...
No of course you did not.
Connect Systems CS750 and CS800, Hytera PD-365, Motorola DP4600.
Raspberry Pi 2 and DV4Mini HotSpot.
AOR AR-DV1 Digital Voice Receiver / eSPY on ARD V1.
Whistler WS1088 / TRX-1 / Whistler Q / UBCD3600XLT / WTR Browser.
Raspberry Pi 2 and DV4Mini HotSpot.
AOR AR-DV1 Digital Voice Receiver / eSPY on ARD V1.
Whistler WS1088 / TRX-1 / Whistler Q / UBCD3600XLT / WTR Browser.