mb8719 and mb8734 mods with 11.3258/11.1125 xtal

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mb8719 and mb8734 mods with 11.3258/11.1125 xtal

Post by dj56 »

Hi all Bob here in the states.

Was hoping to see if there is a kit out there for channel mods to get 40 below 1 and 40 above 40.

Cobra/president/? other radios that use the 8719 and the 8734 + 11.3258/11.1125 xtals

26.955 to 26.815 and 27.415 to 27.855.

I have tried the expo kits with xtals and kinda not stable.

Was looking to do a pll mod to give the 2 extra bands with aligned 40 ch groups like a radio that has the band switch A/B/C/D/E/F/

i JUST NEED THE 2 EXTRA BANDS plenty of channels.

Any help much appreciated
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Re: mb8719 and mb8734 mods with 11.3258/11.1125 xtal

Post by cb4ever104 »

You'll find a mod to give you the LOW and HI bands (plus Alphas and -5Khz) for the 8719 at : www.microchipz.net

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Re: mb8719 and mb8734 mods with 11.3258/11.1125 xtal

Post by dj56 »

Im looking for one that will work in US model radios just 40L 40M 40H.

so most of the 148gtl 2000gtl washingtons presidents all with the 11.3258 and 11.1125 xtals mb8719 and mb8735

I have a pll kit that will do 26.325 to 28.925 of course radio will not broadband to all of that unless you tune to the higher end or the lower end
I have it set to go 26.515 to 28.245 but channels not in correct slots.
It has a 5 way rotary sw which I only use a 3 way as not to choose the other bands.

Then 3 toggles added 1 for 10kc jump 1 toggle to get 26.955 to 26.815 and ch 45 to 59 and 1 toggle to get 41 42 43 and 44.

it works by removing the 8719 and add a socket and then plug in the channel module.

can be used with any radio 8719 and 8734 just need to change the xtal to the 11.3258 if you leave the 11.1125 total different channels.

So I was looking for something simpler.

thanks will check out the site

Xtals kits dont work to well
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Re: mb8719 and mb8734 mods with 11.3258/11.1125 xtal

Post by cb4ever104 »

I have 2 x 148 GLTs and a 2000 GTL , all with 11.3258s . I have used the expansion module from the site I posted above with good results . The VCO on the 2000 had to be modded a bit to get the full 120 channel coverage . I didn't have to touch the VCOs on my 148 GTLs as I only use them for the MID and HI bands . You can also get them from Austria

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Re: mb8719 and mb8734 mods with 11.3258/11.1125 xtal

Post by dj56 »

on the funkservice kits is there a channel list for the kits?
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Re: mb8719 and mb8734 mods with 11.3258/11.1125 xtal

Post by Techno1 »

Would anyone have the hex code for this pic chip pictured. its for the US 8719/8735 pll with 40+ 40- 10kc+ and 5kc

And what is a good programmer to program the pic18F25Q43P 28 pin dip

was hoping to build one if code is available. thought id ask

Newbie to the group thanks
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Re: mb8719 and mb8734 mods with 11.3258/11.1125 xtal

Post by cb4ever104 »

dj56 wrote: 09 Feb 2024, 12:49 on the funkservice kits is there a channel list for the kits?
Click on the "Download Instructions" for the 8719 and you'll see the bands and functions listed .

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Re: mb8719 and mb8734 mods with 11.3258/11.1125 xtal

Post by Techno1 »

Sorry I did not see any channel list for the 2 new bands and the -5kc and +10kc channels
went through them all
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Re: mb8719 and mb8734 mods with 11.3258/11.1125 xtal

Post by Techno1 »

I saw a chart that had the high mid low and a 10 kc jump and the 5 kc off set and the uk channels i just cant find anymore searched and searched.

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Re: mb8719 and mb8734 mods with 11.3258/11.1125 xtal

Post by dj56 »

So I received 3 kits from funkservice.
I installed one and works good problem is the pins that plug into socket are not aligned on his board too good so when tried to install in a socket
already in the radio it was hard to do and i pushed too hard and pushed off 1 of the surface resistors. see picture I have emailed funk 2 times and no answer so I can buy a few to put one back on the board. Suckers are real small and it fell in the radio out the bottom as the bottom was off

Id like to get the kit working in the radio.

Would anyone know what the value might be here is picture
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Re: mb8719 and mb8734 mods with 11.3258/11.1125 xtal

Post by cb4ever104 »

No idea what the value would be . I'm surprised that Gerhard hasn't replied to you , as he's usually pretty good . The pins on these modules are usually a bit larger than the holes on the pcb , so I usually use a safety pin to make the holes slightly wider before fitting .
Paul aka "Sammy". (108) PY60 Old Paisley DX Group (RIP Rab Markie)
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