What is RX.SAV function?

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What is RX.SAV function?

Post by beltane »

I have a Tyt TH-UV88 handheld and in Chirp there's a setting to change the "battery save mode", which can also be done from the keypad. In the radio's menu it's called RX.SAV and the horrible manual says it's "Receive saver". The settings are 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, OFF but I don't know what this setting is even for. Being a Chinese radio it's probably very much like any other Chinese radios but I just don't know what this function does.
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Re: What is RX.SAV function?

Post by Mitch »

The battery save function (RX.SAV) switches the receiver on and off to save power, 1:1 is 'on one off one' (50% RX per second), 1:2 is 'on one off two' (33% RX), 1:4 is 'on one off four' (20% RX most save) and off is RX on all the time (100% RX least save). It depends how long you want your battery to last, but on anything but 'off' there will be a delay before you hear any calls, so folk will have to key up for a second before talking to make sure your RX is on to receive it, else it'll miss the call. When it receives a call it switches save off until it goes quiet again.
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Re: What is RX.SAV function?

Post by beltane »

Ah that explains it. Won't need to be on at all then as I've got a fag lighter battery eliminator for it.
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