Forum Rules

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Forum Rules

Post by MrWeetabix »

Transmission1 Website & Forums Rules - Revision 1.36 (March 2016)

1. Exercise common sense and be considerate toward your fellow users. Diversity of opinion and intelligent civil discourse is encouraged; by the same token, insults and "flaming" are not tolerated. Disagreeing with an idea of another community member is different from attacking that individual. Keep all commentary civil, and be courteous at all times. Constructive criticism is welcome, but insults directed towards other forum users or people in the community will not be tolerated. Coarse/insulting language will not be tolerated. Personal or business issues with other members, individuals, organisations or companies should be kept OFF the forums. Deal with it privately, not on here.

2. Do not post off-topic. Please keep your comments consistent with the subject and purpose of the conversation thread. Deliberate disruption -- such as consistent off-topic and/or frivolous commentary will not be tolerated and such posts may be deleted or split IF a relevant section for a new topic exists and is warranted.

3. No posting in ALL CAPS or all bold please. Like wise, please don't unnecessarily post in alternative colours. It can be used for great effect to highlight a section of text, but please don't overuse it. It can make reading the forum posts unpleasant for other forum users. Not everyone is necessarily using the same forum background colour as you. Posting in ALL CAPS or all bold or constantly in alternative colours is the internet equivalent of shouting. It's just plain rude, please don't do it. Posts submitted in ALL CAPS, all bolds or in alternative colours may be deleted without prior warning.

4. Although we appreciate the extra information and sources brought to the forums, due to copyright and space issues, please do not quote entire news articles from other sources; small excerpts and/or a link keeps things legal. When quoting external sources, please provide a link.

5. Do not pretend to be or claim to represent somebody or something else. You may only post as an individual, you may not post as a representative of a Business or Organisation without express written permission of the site owner (Transmission1). Your account will be deleted if found to be in breach of this rule.

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  • Only the selling of your own radio related items is permitted on this forum. This includes (but is not limited to) transceivers/receivers, antennas, stations accessories, coaxial cables, data cables, computer systems for interfacing with radio equipment. Non radio-related items will be removed by the moderation team without warning. If you are unsure that a certain item is permitted or not then please PM a moderator before posting.
  • If you wish to list an item for sale, put the details on here and offer it for sale on here. If it's listed on another website as well, state that this is the case and put a link to the other website at the bottom of the advert on TM1. Simply posting a web link to where your item is being sold will result in your post being removed without warning.
  • For your safety please use the PM function in the forum to contact other trading partners rather than posting your email addresses or telephone number directly on your listing.
  • Our site acts as the venue for sellers to list items. The TM1 ownership or moderation Team are not involved in the actual transaction between buyers and sellers. As a result, we have no control over the quality, safety, legality, history or accuracy of the listings stated. TM1 also holds no information on users beyond what they have willingly shared. Both the seller and buyer assume responsibility for the sale and purchase of items. If you are unsure, don't trade.
  • Anyone caught selling stolen goods will be immediately banned from the site and their membership terminated. All logs of their activities while on the forums will be turned over to any interested authorities.
  • New members (Newly registered users status) are not permitted to post adverts. This is to prevent people joining with the only intention of posting dodgy adverts. Once a new members account is upgraded, they have full posting privileges.
  • This is not an auction website, if we see forum users posting adverts that look like "silent auctions" (... open to offers), then the moderation team will delete the advert and possibly restrict the users future posting privileges in the Trading Post section. Please state a price or your post will be removed
Finally, we reserve the right to suspend/ban anyone from the site that does not comply with the above set of rules. Your use of the forums and website means that you agree to the above terms. In the event of a ban or suspension being issued we will not be obliged to offer an explanation and no further correspondence will be entered into.
26TM175. OP: Craig. QTH: Gateshead IO94EW. Also 163TM175 when mobile in Wales 8)

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Re: Forum Rules

Post by MrWeetabix »

BUMP - because some members here have evidently forgotten and some new members evidently haven't read them...

Comply.... :thumbup:
26TM175. OP: Craig. QTH: Gateshead IO94EW. Also 163TM175 when mobile in Wales 8)

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