New Section - Nets and Skeds

A new Forum Section to post details on Nets going on across the UK on CB, 11m, 446 or HAM radio
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Posts: 16453
Joined: 26 Aug 2008, 13:34
Call Sign: 26TM175
Location: Gateshead

New Section - Nets and Skeds

Post by MrWeetabix »

Hello All,

I have created a new forum section where you can post details of known/active Nets and Skeds across the UK.

It can be on any band that we support on TM1, so CB, 11m, 446 or HAM. Please don't post details of anything Echo Charlie.

Important information to include...

WHEN - State the date/time and if its a one-off Event, Daily, Weekly or Monthly thing

WHERE - State the rough geographic area where the net will span, Perhaps state where the chair/organiser is based to give a good idea

FREQUENCY - State the Frequency and mode that you'll be using, as well as any etiquette in use

Eventually we can work up a list of known/active nets across the UK for our members to refer to, as I think most of the ones we have listed are long gone. I'll be collating information from various groups and pages I am a member of, but I hope you can all fill in the blanks for add more.
26TM175. OP: Craig. QTH: Gateshead IO94EW. Also 163TM175 when mobile in Wales 8)

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