Trading Post

Forum rules
12. Trading Post:
  • Only the selling of your own radio related items is permitted on this forum. This includes (but is not limited to) transceivers/receivers, antennas, stations accessories, coaxial cables, data cables, computer systems for interfacing with radio equipment. Non radio-related items will be removed by the moderation team without warning. If you are unsure that a certain item is permitted or not then please PM a moderator before posting.
  • If you wish to list an item for sale, put the details on here and offer it for sale on here. If it's listed on another website as well, state that this is the case and put a link to the other website at the bottom of the advert on TM1. Do not just post website links to an item being sold elsewhere - this will result in your advert being removed.
  • For your safety please use the PM function in the forum to contact other trading partners rather than posting your email addresses or telephone number directly on your listing.
  • Our site acts as the venue for sellers to list items. TM1 moderators and staff are not involved in the actual transaction between buyers and sellers. As a result, we have no control over the quality, safety or legality of the items advertised and the truth or accuracy of the listings or the members details. Both the seller and buyer assume responsibility for the sale and purchase of items. If you are unsure, don't trade.
  • Anyone caught selling stolen goods will be immediately banned from the site and their membership terminated. All logs of their activities while on the forums will be turned over to any interested authorities.
  • New members (Newly registered users status) are not permitted to post adverts. This is to prevent people joining with the only intention of posting dodgy adverts. Once a new members account is upgraded, they have full posting privileges.
  • This is not an auction website, if we see forum users posting adverts that look like "silent auctions" (... open to offers), then the moderation team will delete the advert and possibly restrict the users future posting privileges in the Trading Post section of the forum.
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