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Hi all! Noob here with a question :)

Posted: 27 Dec 2023, 10:52
by bertbuckie
Hi all,

I am a complete noob from Scotland, my dad used to do HAM radio long, long ago but the most I ever did was the odd scanner or CB.

I purchased a HackRF one portapack as a xmas gift to myself, mainly as theres no way my wife would know what this was, and would like to use it as a scanner amongst other things.

I have a UBC125XLT scanner frequency list, but I am unsure how to convert this to work with my hackRF scanner.txt as I cant find any examples online. Has anyone got an example?

I found this online but being brand new to this, I am unsure what it all means and wish to learn.

"New Scanner for Portapack:

The New Scanner feature for Portapack still loads the SCANNER.TXT file with your stored scanning frequencies.
It adds several useful features:
You can manually start a scan, specifying the start, end, and stepping frequencies.
Pause and resume scanning.
A shortcut button to jump directly into the RX -> AUDIO App for further analysis of found frequencies.
When a strong signal is detected, the scanner locks onto that frequency briefly to determine if it’s a valid signal.
You can change modulation modes on the fly (AM / NFM / WFM).
A large color-coded frequency display.
The new scanner is currently being test-run and is expected to be included in the Mayhem firmware1.
Frequency List File:

Instead of a static list of frequencies, you can create a file named scanner-freq.TXT on the SD card (root directory).
Each line in this file should contain one frequency (10 digits) followed by a Windows-style line ending (CrLf).
The last line must be “ENDENDENDE” followed by CrLf2.
Frequency Limit:

The scanner has a limit on the number of frequencies it can read and scan from SCANNER.TXT.
When this limit (usually 500 frequencies) is reached, the scanner displays a warning.
If you manually set a frequency range using the UI, it will also warn you about the limit.
However, when using the default SCANNER.TXT entries, it doesn’t explicitly mention the limit but shows a counter (e.g., x/99) as it cycles through the frequencies1.

Here is a sample of my UBC125XLT list. I assume the first part to be the actual device settings.

VER=!Version 1.01.00
CIN=003,INVENESS TWR,01184000,AM,0,2,0,0
CIN=005,LARS DEPS,01195750,AM,0,2,0,0

and so forth.

Any help from someone with one of these devices would be greatly appreciated.

Bert :)

Re: Hi all! Noob here with a question :)

Posted: 27 Dec 2023, 13:09
by bertbuckie
Seems an update to firmware shows. I’m not sure how to go about converting the format though.

Re: Hi all! Noob here with a question :)

Posted: 27 Dec 2023, 17:16
by bertbuckie
Seems I’ve sussed that, but definitely need a better aerial where I am based. I’ve been sucked into the land of pc sdr world now. I’ve never seen anything like it! I used to listen to the police on my old scanner ( until they put a stop to that with digital encryption ) and I never dreamt of being able to listen to more than 1 frequency at a time! This is insane how much things have progressed and the fact most seems to be open source :) really wish I hadn’t removed the old ham aerial from the roof 🙈