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Re: dodgy callsign

Posted: 06 Mar 2016, 23:30
by Oggy
MW6ZAN wrote:Hi all just thought i would let you know i have actually sold off half of my gear rest goes next week also going to return my cornflacks packet licence to ofcum had enough cannot be botherd any more by idiots on the bands going to purchase a nice gibson sg electric guitar and put more effort into my rc boat building so have a nice day ya all enjoy your radio while it lasts toodaloo. :thumbup: :thumbup:
So your unhappy with our hobby, so you thought before you left us you would try and insult us all then.....result :wave:

Re: dodgy callsign

Posted: 07 Mar 2016, 00:33
by wa10
Hold on captain pugwash I'll go get my violin :wave:

I hope none of the local radio guys you reported decide to **** with your rc boats, I have seen people mess with bait dropping boats spoiling a tranquil days fishing, Its very amusing watching them go flat out round and round in circles in the middle of the lake until the battery runs flat,

make sure you use gigahertz gear and hope they are as dumb as a box of rocks.


Re: dodgy callsign

Posted: 07 Mar 2016, 00:58
by wardster
MW6ZAN wrote:Hi all just thought i would let you know i have actually sold off half of my gear rest goes next week also going to return my cornflacks packet licence to ofcum had enough cannot be botherd any more by idiots on the bands going to purchase a nice gibson sg electric guitar and put more effort into my rc boat building so have a nice day ya all enjoy your radio while it lasts toodaloo. :thumbup: :thumbup:
righty ho.

lets see how long your qrz profile stays up, and your other "memberships" of other websites.

oh, and how exactly are you going to fulfill your rc boat building seeing as you said you are housebound? testing them in the bath?
a bit odd, as seeing as if you was housebound, that would mean you wouldn't be able to use a standard bath or shower, so would have a wet room.....

so how in the name of $deity are you going to test your rc boats???!!!
please tell me you have a big inflatable pool in the garden..... but then, as you are housebound, how will you get to the garden?!

and although it is i guess in your own mind impressive you are bragging about buying a "gibson sg" ... it is such a shame you cannot respond to simple questions posted on here!!!

finally..... a comment about your "cornflacks" licence.

.... sorry mods, i am going to say it.

MW6ZAN... you are a complete utter madman. someone who preaches, but refuses to listen to reason, or anything that is put to him.
i could use stronger words, but that would not be appropriate.

so, what i have done, and i know a lot of people will have their comments about this... is simply.....

I have simply reported YOU to OFCOM.
Likewise also to the RAIBC of whom you are a member of, unless the sign in your front window is for advertising.

The comments you have posted on here have not been referred in full, as that would not be fair on other long standing forum users, and also to be fair on the mods, who run an excellent system here for the 99.999% of people who want to talk about radio.

But, I have made a point in my email about your continued use of various internet forums, and bulletin boards to constantly boast and brag about your illegal use of equipment and criminal use of monitoring equipment.

You have continued to be offensive, and have no consideration in regards to fair and reasonable questions posed to you.
Your callsign has been included to them, as well as details in regards to your QRZ profile regarding the equipment that you possess.

I sincerely hope that you are removed from the airwaves, as well as having your equipment removed from you, as I suspect, in the volatile and pathetic comments that you post on there, that you probably are just another radio troll who disturbs other decent radio users because of some obviously disturbed thinking that goes off in your head.

I'm pretty chilled out usually, but you have infuriated me to the point to reporting you.

I hope, seriously, that you take stock of the situation, and take steps to sorting your illnesses out, both physically and mentally.

I don't know if the mods or anyone else has anything else to say, but I'm sure other people may be upset by my decision, some may be thumbs up.

However, the email is sent.

And just one thing.
CB users are not idiots, I know a great number of 10m CB enthusiasts going back to the 1980's.
Amateur radio is just that. Amateur radio. The enthusiasm of like minded people across the world to advance their knowledge and experience.
Some people cheat, some people lie. Some people turn the wick up and push 100+ watts when they are only "legally" allowed to use 10 watts.
Are we such a society that we come down on those who do? Just because they heard a distant station that perhaps their antenna might not get them to communicate using 10w? Are we going to use fire and brimstone on them because they turned up the power and they had the highlight of their radio experience to talk to Joe Bloggs on the other side of the pond? That experience giving them the thoughts and decision to look into research about improving what they have to do the best with what they have?
That to me, Pete, is Amateur radio.
Not bragging about the biggest amplifier you can get and wiring it up to a crappy little mobile antenna stuck on an equally pathetic little "4x4"

The biggest pirate on here is you Pete.

Re: dodgy callsign

Posted: 07 Mar 2016, 07:45
by mof000
Shut the door on your way out... I said shut not slam! Pick your Teddy up also :lol:

Re: dodgy callsign

Posted: 07 Mar 2016, 09:32
by Admiral
I would strongly advise you not to turn in your licence MW6ZAN, most people get fed up with the hobby at some point, just take a sabbatical, stick your gear in the cupboard and come back when the itch returns.

You seem to have been painted as a monster here for some reason, I think you're just a hypocrite and maybe an attention seeker, I don't think calling someone an idiot is grounds for board dismissal, just have a break and a kitkat and come back when you have something positive to say.

Re: dodgy callsign

Posted: 07 Mar 2016, 10:17
by MrWeetabix
For the record, expressing an opinion is not against board rules, no matter what that opinion is or how removed from reality it may be.

Zan is welcome to post freely on TM1 if he chooses, as long as he sticks to the board rules.

I'll be reading the rules aloud over a baby monitor at 10am this Sunday morning for those who need a refresher.

Re: dodgy callsign

Posted: 07 Mar 2016, 10:53
by kr0ne
Oggy wrote: So you would sell that Icom you have on your page
Haha, hasty QRZ edit..... Check!


I see you took your address off too ZAN. Smart cookie. :thumbup:

Re: dodgy callsign

Posted: 07 Mar 2016, 11:17
by MrWeetabix
kr0ne wrote: I see you took your address off too ZAN. Smart cookie. :thumbup:
If anything, this thread should stand to highlight the issue of just how much information people freely leave out there for other's to access.

Getting a QSL through the door is one thing, getting a brick through the window is another!

Re: dodgy callsign

Posted: 07 Mar 2016, 11:30
by Admiral
Well, as the strongest word used by ZAN was 'idiot', I don't understand the drama. I've been called a lot worse on here (most of it justified),

And I think there was a good deal of baiting too, tut-tut.

That's why I'm happy to be 26TM157 on here :roll:

Re: dodgy callsign

Posted: 07 Mar 2016, 13:12
by LeakyFeeder
He would get on well with the ex mod 'who shall remain nameless'....

Losing a discussion then resorting to insults jus makes someone look daft... :wave:

Re: dodgy callsign

Posted: 07 Mar 2016, 16:19
by zippy
LeakyFeeder wrote:He would get on well with the ex mod 'who shall remain nameless'....

Losing a discussion then resorting to insults jus makes someone look daft... :wave:
was that the bird that begged me not to post the PM I got by mistake that involved her slagging off the admin guys?

I really got shafted there, just joined and managed to get involved in board politics, then managed to p off a current mod because of it, still not impressed by the stupid goings on of her, don't know her and don't want to. bad news for me.

Re: dodgy callsign

Posted: 06 Apr 2016, 01:06
by marineboy101
i thought wales was full of dragons not trolls

Re: dodgy callsign

Posted: 06 Apr 2016, 07:57
by MrWeetabix
marineboy101 wrote:i thought wales was full of dragons not trolls
Bloody hell, there's a name I havent seen in a while. Welcome back to the boards Rob. Always good to see you can turn-out when needed! :-)

Re: dodgy callsign

Posted: 06 Apr 2016, 11:12
by 2E1IIP
Rob Marineboy?
Last time I seen you was in 1997, you were living with Sue - how is life?


Rob (sparky)

Re: dodgy callsign

Posted: 06 Apr 2016, 11:56
by MrWeetabix
2E1IIP wrote:Rob Marineboy?
Last time I seen you was in 1997, you were living with Sue - how is life?


Rob (sparky)
Sue as in 'Checkers' ?