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Idiot exam invigilator

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 14:15
by WhiteNoisePoetry
Whilst visiting my parents down in Kent I scanned the 2m band.
Last night I heard a station calling CQ on 145.500 and gets a reply.
He moves up 5Khz to 145.505Mhz !
Local stations complain, he tells them to **** off and that everyone has DSP these days to get rid of any QRM he is causing.
And this prat is an exam invigilator it turns out with the Hilderstone Radio club !
With standards like this, it's no wonder I hear so many complaints every time I'm down that way.

73 de WNP

Re: Idiot exam invigilator

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 14:18
by LeakyFeeder
Knock the tw-ts door an get him told....

Re: Idiot exam invigilator

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 14:19
by paulears
Anybodies aunt can be an invigilator. That role requires somebody to monitor the conduct in the exam room, ensure people don;t break rules and cheat. They do not have to know anything about the exam or subject. An examiner, assessor and moderator, on the other hand do.

I'd like to see DSP that can cure a 5KHz drift from centre frequency. Many people would consider getting 5KHz away from the intended frequency pretty good! If he is an examiner, then he should maintain a quiet mouth, especially when he's completely clueless!

Re: Idiot exam invigilator

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 15:29
by zippy
I know modern sets do small increments these days, but surely if it's FM then the minimum shift should be at least 12.5khz?
this kind of information confuses potential hams such as myself.

Re: Idiot exam invigilator

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 21:05
He must have realised that 2 meter simplex spacing is 25 khz mind i have heard silly things on two meters myself more so from new callsigns easy mistake when your green round the ears but checking your frequency sked every radio amateur has pinned to the shack wall sorts out any possible error.

Re: Idiot exam invigilator

Posted: 17 Jan 2016, 23:54
by Crusader
MW6ZAN wrote:He must have realised that 2 meter simplex spacing is 25 khz
Errr No...used to be 25Khz spacing years ago,12.5Khz spacing these days on simplex as set out by the current bandplan.

Re: Idiot exam invigilator

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 00:40
by LeakyFeeder
Telling folk to **** off is bang outta order esp from someone who really should know hes not really setting a very good example...

Re: Idiot exam invigilator

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 00:57
by Crusader
No surprise really,heard a few full licence holders swearing etc on 2 meters,fact is that it is all just glorified CB these days & not all down to the so called "cornflake packet" licence holders who have brought the hobby into disrepute.

Re: Idiot exam invigilator

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 08:20
by paulears
That's what happens when any hobby or community has an easy in policy. Not just amateur radio. Forums are a good comparison. Those with instant access to post get big numbers joining, endless moderation and evictions and high churn. Others require moderator approval before people can join. Their numbers are lower and behaviour better. When I started amateur radio the maths involved for a newcomer was pretty stiff, and took me quite a while to master, resonance formulii, being able to calculate the value of a capacitor or inductor to make a filter, or solve problems - that kind of stuff, all based around the need to avoid interference I guess? So to get a license took at least six months, as they only did the exam twice a year, and sitting in the City & Guilds exam hall in London, because there was no centre near me was scary. The learning bit plus the exam wait meant it needed commitment. Back then we had a few idiots of course, but getting a license took too much effort to waste. What's the saying? No pain, no gain? Nowadays looking at the hobby, it's very different. I notice in America, people take their impossible to fail test to get a license to talk to their family members using higher power kit. No interest in the hobby at all, it's just a radio license class that's simple to get. No interest in band plans, or talking to strangers. I smiled sadly at a comment on a forum where a user decided that he was going to have a chat on a frequency that had been used at a certain time and channel for years. He had the right to use it, so did! Of course his side of the story was that they asked him to move from 'their' channel. Damn cheek. It's a hobby. Does it hurt to be nice, not swear or get ratty? The guy being talked about here clearly had no idea, but nowadays that doesn't seem that unusual.

Re: Idiot exam invigilator

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 10:00
by kr0ne
I'd suggest that if he is an exam invigilator, he has more than a passing interest in the hobby...If a full licence holder, he's been through three rounds of study and exams - presumably representing a not insignificant investment in time, effort and money on his part. He must also be a regular member of a club if he is invigilating exams, so hardly a fly-by-night, no interest, time waster taking advantage of an 'easy in' to the hobby.

But don't let that stop anyone blaming corn flakes for any poor operating they might witness on the bands.

Spare a thought for how long the hobby would last without cornflakes though, as the answer is not long.

Re: Idiot exam invigilator

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 11:13
by MrWeetabix
Surely he'd soon get sick of being affected by people shouting on 500? I mean, if it goes one way, it would go the other!

Re: Idiot exam invigilator

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 12:06
by Farty
He's an invigilator, assigned to ensure the rules are abided by and there's no cheating. His status as an invigilator in no way reflects on his operating skills or knowledge. Indeed, you didn't even need to hold a ham ticket to do so, although I suspect that's mighty unusual.

After all, do you created your double glazing salesman to also be able to fit them?

Re: Idiot exam invigilator

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 12:58
by GeeFull
"Operating 5 kHz up" on 2 metres FM, just shows a lack of understanding of acceptable bandwidths for chosen modes within the given bandplan, and a belligerence to everyone else that tries to stick to the nowadays recommended 12.5 kHz channels.
Of course on SSB, in the correct portions of the band, it may well prove to be plenty, but even then not always, but on FM, its just nonsense.
What difference, (other than he would not be annoying the hell out of folks close by listening on 500), would there be for him to simply say take it up 12.5, or 25 come to that?
The fact he invigilates exams is really an irrelevance, its something anyone could do, you simply ensure correct start and stop times, make sure everyone has to hand whats necessary for the exam, and keep an eye out for obvious cheating!
Common band plan knowledge sense would tell you to stick to 12.5 kHz steps minimum in the FM simplex portion of that band, and you neither need to be an inviligator, nor an exam sitting punter, to discover that out for yourself, let alone via "training".

Re: Idiot exam invigilator

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 13:46
by zippy
with the info given in the OP and the wonders of the internet, it's not too hard to put a name and callsign to this claim.

if true, the bit that concerns me is the alleged '**** off' on-air remark, there is no circumstances that call for foul language on any frequency including cb in my opinion.

Re: Idiot exam invigilator

Posted: 18 Jan 2016, 15:36
by Crusader
zippy wrote:with the info given in the OP and the wonders of the internet, it's not too hard to put a name and callsign to this claim.
Yep his name must be on this list ;)