Illegal Repeater Usage

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Re: Illegal Repeater Usage

Post by kr0ne »

Jon_D wrote:When you imply that older callsign holders do not like Foundation Licence hoilders, i suggest you submit evidence to that broad statement. That sort of bigotry which you appear to portray does our hobby no good at all.
A few minutes spent searching this very forum (or many others for that fact) for the terms 'Foundation' and 'License' should turn up all you need...
Jon_D wrote:What I DO object to is those who hold a FL callsign M3 who are still operating. The last M3 was issued 8 years ago and as such these people are making a mockery of the original idea that the FL was the first step in a progression of licence attainment and NOT a permanent position.
Ah! Looks like you won't be needing to do that search after all... Actually, it may surprise you to learn that the Foundation License is issued for life in the UK, you can read lots more about it here if you are unfamiliar with the system.
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Re: Illegal Repeater Usage

Post by manoffunk »

Here in Leicestershire, we have quite a few repeaters in range, with GB3CF and LE being the most used, due to great coverage. However, it was clear from the outset, that these are really used like a long range CB radio network, and after my initial hellos and goodbyes, I haven't gone back on them. I have ONE exception, I use LE - the 70cms repeater, to sometimes reach some of the guys in the club, as they often monitor it, and don't have an antenna up for 2/70. But that's about it - even had a good chat with the repeater owner once, which was elightening.

But apart from those few exceptions, and whilst visiting other places - I use the handie simplex, and have had some great QSO's in the car, starting on the 2 and 70 calling frequencies, then moving off to a suitable frequency. I get far more entertainment from that, and that is what it's all about for me.

Now, like someone mentioned earlier in the list - I am a QRP fanatic, so HF is where I mainly live. But equally those chinese handhelds everyone hates, have been great for me - and I'd say without doubt 95% of their usage has been simplex.

They have opened the door for many idiots to plague the repeaters, but it's of no real loss to me - and I'd openly encourage those bothered by it to forget the drongo's and get off the repeaters. You don't need humungous antennas for 2 and 70 to have a good laugh, I've done wonders on low power with wire dipoles - and of course SSB activity on 2m can be really good. :)
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